In October 2024, I joined Outreachy as an Open Source contributor and in December 2024, I joined Outreachy as an intern working with Mozilla. My role was to implement the TC39 Range Proposal in the SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine.
is a new built-in method proposed for JavaScript iterators that allows generating a sequence of numbers within a specified range. It functions similarly to Python’s range, providing an easy and efficient way to iterate over a series of values:
for (const i of Iterator.range(0, 43)) console.log(i); // 0 to 42
But also things like:
function* even() {
for (const i of Iterator.range(0, Infinity)) if (i % 2 === 0) yield i;
In this blog post, we will explore the implementation of Iterator.range in the SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine.
Understanding the Implementation
When I started working on Iterator.range
, the initial implementation had been done, ie; adding a preference for the proposal and making the builtin accessible in the JavaScript shell.
The Iterator.range
simply returned false
, a stub indicating that the actual implementation of Iterator.range
was under development or not fully implemented, which is where I came in. As a start, I created a CreateNumericRangeIterator
function that delegates to the Iterator.range
function. Following that, I implemented the first three steps within the Iterator.range function. Next, I initialised variables and parameters for the NUMBER-RANGE
data type in the CreateNumericRangeIteratorfunction
I focused on implementing sequences that increase by one, such as Iterator.range(0, 10)
.Next, I created an IteratorRangeGenerator*
function (ie, step 18 of the Range proposal), that when called doesn’t execute immediately, but returns a generator object which follows the iterator protocol. Inside the generator function you have yield
statements which represents where the function suspends its execution and provides value back to the caller. Additionaly, I updated the CreateNumericRangeIterator
function to invoke IteratorRangeGenerator*
with the appropriate arguments, aligning with Step 19 of the specification, and added tests to verify its functionality.
The generator will pause at each yield
, and will not continue until the next
method is called on the generator object that is created.
The NumericRangeIteratorPrototype
(Step of the proposal) is the object that holds the iterator prototype
for the Numeric range iterator. The next()
method is added to the NumericRangeIteratorPrototype
, when you call the next()
method on an object created from NumericRangeIteratorPrototype
, it doesn’t directly return a value, but it makes the generator yield
the next
value in the series, effectively resuming the suspended generator.
The first time you invoke next()
on the generator object created via IteratorRangeGenerator*
, the generator will run up to the first yield
statement and return the first value. When you invoke next()
again, theNumericRangeIteratorNext()
will be called.
This method uses GeneratorResume(this)
, which means the generator will pick up right where it left off, continuing to iterate the next yield
statement or until iteration ends.
Generator Alternative
After discussions with my mentors Daniel and Arai, I transitioned from a generator-based implementation to a more efficient slot-based approach. This change involved defining slots
to store the state necessary for computing the next value. The reasons included:
- Efficiency: Directly managing iteration state is faster than relying on generator functions.
- Simplified Implementation: A slot-based approach eliminates the need for generator-specific handling, making the code more maintainable.
- Better Alignment with Other Iterators: Existing built-in iterators such as
do not use generators in their implementations.
Perfomance and Benchmarks
To quantify the performance improvements gained by transitioning from a generator-based implementation to a slot-based approach, I conducted comparative benchmarks using a test in the current bookmarks/central, and in the revision that used generator-based approach. My benchmark tested two key scenarios:
- Floating-point range iteration: Iterating through 100,000 numbers with a step of 0.1
- BigInt range iteration: Iterating through 1,000,000 BigInts with a step of 2
Each test was run 100 times to eliminate anomalies. The benchmark code was structured as follows:
// Benchmark for Number iteration
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
for (num of Iterator.range(0, 100000, 0.1)) {
sum += num;
// Benchmark for BigInt iteration
var sum = 0n;
for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
for (num of Iterator.range(0n, 1000000n, 2n)) {
sum += num;
Implementation | Execution Time (ms) | Improvement |
Generator-based | 8,174.60 | - |
Slot-based | 2,725.33 | 66.70% |
The slot-based implementation completed the benchmark in just 2.7 seconds compared to 8.2 seconds for the generator-based approach. This represents a 66.7% reduction in execution time, or in other words, the optimized implementation is approximately 3 times faster.
Implementing BigInt support was straightforward from a specification perspective, but I encountered two blockers:
1. Handling Infinity Checks Correctly
The specification ensures that start is either a Number or a BigInt in steps 3.a and 4.a. However, step 5 states:
- If start is +∞ or -∞, throw a RangeError.
Despite following this, my implementation still threw an error stating that start must be finite. After investigating, I found that the issue stemmed from using a self-hosted isFinite function.
The specification requires isFinite to throw a TypeError for BigInt, but the self-hosted Number_isFinite returns false instead. This turned out to be more of an implementation issue than a specification issue.
See Github discussion here.
- Fix: Explicitly check that start is a number before calling isFinite:
// Step 5: If start is +∞ or -∞, throw a RangeError.
if (typeof start === "number" && !Number_isFinite(start)) {
2. Floating Point Precision Errors
When testing floating-point sequences, I encountered an issue where some decimal values were not represented exactly due to JavaScript’s floating-point precision limitations. This caused incorrect test results.
There’s a GitHub issue discussing this in depth. I implemented an approximatelyEqual function to compare values within a small margin of error.
- Fix: Using approximatelyEqual in tests:
const resultFloat2 = Array.from(Iterator.range(0, 1, 0.2));
approximatelyEqual(resultFloat2, [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]);
This function ensures that minor precision errors do not cause test failures, improving floating-point range calculations.
Next Steps and Future Improvements
There are different stages a TC39 proposal goes through before it can be shipped. This document shows the different stages that a proposal goes through from ideation to consumption. The Iterator.range proposal is currently at stage 1 which is the Draft stage. Ideally, the proposal should advance to stage 3 which means that the specification is stable and no changes to the proposal are expected, but some necessary changes may still occur due to web incompatibilities or feedback from production-grade implementations.
Currently, this implementation is in it’s early stages of implementation. It’s only built in Nightly and disabled by default until such a time the proposal is in stage 3 or 4 and no further revision to the specification can be made.
Final Thoughts
Working on the Iterator.range
implementation in SpiderMonkey has been a deeply rewarding experience. I learned how to navigate a large and complex codebase, collaborate with experienced engineers, and translate a formal specification into an optimized, real-world implementation. The transition from a generator-based approach to a slot-based one was a significant learning moment, reinforcing the importance of efficiency in JavaScript engine internals.
Beyond technical skills, I gained a deeper appreciation for the standardization process in JavaScript. The experience highlighted how proposals evolve through real-world feedback, and how early-stage implementations help shape their final form.
As Iterator.range
continues its journey through the TC39 proposal stages, I look forward to seeing its adoption in JavaScript engines and the impact it will have on developers. I hope this post provides useful insights into SpiderMonkey development and encourages others to contribute to open-source projects and JavaScript standardization efforts.
If you’d like to read more, here are my blog posts that I made during the project: